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šŸš€Boost Your Content Creation With A.I. ā€“ or notā”šŸ¤”šŸ˜•

A.Iā€™s here to stay whether we like it or not, thereā€™s absolutely no doubt about that, and while I’m still learning about it and am not really competent or too confident in using it I have created some content I’m happy with, fact-checked, edited, revised, and used it for research and help with projects and writing.

Prototyperspective, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons


Content In The ā€˜Blink Of An Eyeā€™ & Lots Of It

Whatā€™s not to love about being able to create an almost limitless amount of blog posts, books, courses, reports, images, voice-recordings, and videos with one ā€˜Click Of A Button?ā€™

After all, the more content and products you create and offer for sale the more money you can earn, right?

The Rewards, And Risks Of Using A.I. To Create (ALL) Your Content

At first glance the rewards seem blatantly obvious donā€™t they?

You donā€™t have to be an artist to create lots of great looking art and images.

With very little ability or effort you can create stunning artwork to sell as:

  • T-shirt designs
  • Mugs
  • Stationary
  • Posters and wall art
  • Tote bags
  • Printables
  • Colouring Books
  • Even believable copies of ā€˜The Mastersā€™ would you believe?

After all, if you can create 10X more products you can earn 10X more money canā€™t you?

Not really; because you have to declare on Amazon if you used A.I. in any part of your writing process, and thereā€™s a limit to how many books you can upload in a day.

Sinking In A Sea Of Content

As a fiction writer with several ā€˜Works-In-Progressā€™ and dozens of ideas for more books floating around it seemed like a great idea at first ā€“ and indeed the very existence of A.I. has given me some great ideas, BUT what about those who buy a pack of writing prompts and churn out book after book with no thought about originality or quanlity?

Would even Stephen King or J.K. Rowling have got noticed under the deluge of Generative pulp on the market?

Ā© Jorge Royan / http://www.royan.com.ar

While I have promoted ā€˜Promptsā€™ products it was with the hope people would use them to enhance their content, and with the intention to put an original human spin on the generated content.

The Only Limit Is Your Imagination

Yes we’re finally in that world of limitless possibilities as far as art and literature are concerned, and A.I. provides you with endless opportunities to give life to your imagination with just a few taps of your keyboard or screen.

We’ll look into the opportunities for you to make money and build an A.I. based business over the next few weeks, and the advances in image and video creation.

In fact, I do see some great looking images that are clearly A.I. generated, but itā€™s clear the people (or robots) have put a bit of thought into the prompts and the final output.

I couldnā€™t find a great pin I thought Iā€™d saved last week, but hereā€™s a good one that looks A.I. generated. Nothing wrong with that Per se because it looks obvious.

screenshot of a Pinterest pin 

What about when people create ā€˜photo realisticā€™ images and pass them off as if they are a skilled photographer?

That could cause problems, but when there’s no attempt at disguise or misrepresentation I feel it could add a lot of enjoyment and value to the market.

In fact several @Conversations’ I’ve had with A.I. have sparked ideas for images and artwork i want to create.

Look out for that because I’ll share the links when I upload them and the prompts used.

Don’t ‘hold your breath’ because my skills in both departments are limited.

Hereā€™s another great looking obviously A.I. image.

If you want to get the prompt used so you can use or adapt it to create your own image ClickHere


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